Weekend Reading (August 8th)

Have some free time this weekend? Use it to learn something new! 5 great eBooks are available for immediate access…

NOTE: In addition to the ebooks below, don’t forget you also have a full 12 hours of Fibonacci & Elliott Wave Trading Education that you can access from the Synergy Traders #16 event we hosted on Wednesday.

Access all of these eBooks now:

Catching the Crash – How to Create Great Risk Reward Options Trading Ideas – Insightful eBook loaded with trading ideas, results, and a simple process used by the Top 1%. See the trade that made 2,100% in only 10 days.

5 Secret Trading Strategies To Win Every Day In The Market – Veteran trader Bryan Bottarelli has taken the strategies he learned in the Live Pit of the Chicago Options Exchange and revealed them in this easy to follow training manual.

Elliott Wave Principle – Now in its 40th year, Elliott Wave Principle is one of the most popular market analysis books ever published. Amazon reviewers say, “Still the Classic and Essential Text for Elliott Wave Trading” and “This is the bible of the theory.”

5 Tips for Overcoming Market Volatility – 1) Tune out the noise; 2) Tune into the real news; 3) Track the fundamentals; and 4 & 5) Click the link to download the full ebook and get all the details.

How Options Are Used To Hedge Upside And Downside Risk – The Option Professor is a graduate of Boston College and has well over 25 years experience teaching people how the option markets work, this eBook provides substantial insight into how professional options traders think about risk to profit in all market conditions.

[AD] PDF: 7 Benefits To Advanced Options Strategies
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