Crowd Forecast News Episode #446

[AD] Seasonal Pattern Tool: Find High Probability Seasonal Trades

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Recorded: 09/09/2024 at 1PM ET
Duration (video & podcast): 59 minutes

• Market Analysis and Apple Event Impact
• CPI and PPI Influence on Markets
• Oil and Commodities Market Outlook
• Gold and Market Trends
• Trading Strategies and Market Performance
• Prop Trading and Mental Health

Lineup for this Episode:
– Norman Hallett of &
– Anka Metcalf of
– The Option Professor of

[AD] Bonus! More Awesome Partner Offers:

• Seasonal Pattern Tool: Find High Probability Seasonal Trades

• PDF: Trade Like A Winner

• Watch: 20 trades in 20 days?

• PDF: 10 Lessons for Thriving During Market Chaos
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