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Synergy Traders #5: “Halloweed” Online Cannabis Traders Conference

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This event was created by TradeOutLoud.com and TimingResearch.com and these presentations were recorded on Thursday, October 31st, 2019.

Synergy Traders #5.1: Pot Stock Labs with Lance Ippolito

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #5.2: Cannabis Stocks: Building a Position with David Moadel

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #5.3: Swing Trading Cannabis Stocks with Anka Metcalf

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

[AD] PDF: 7 Benefits To Advanced Options Strategies

Analyze Your Trade Episode #96

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On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of TimingResearch.com, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Lance Ippolito of InTheMoneyTrading.com and AlphaShark.com
– Jim Kenney of OptionProfessor.com (moderator)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
4:00 – SQ
8:00 – AVGO
10:00 – SMH
13:00 – V
15:00 – AMTD
20:00 – KL
24:00 – MMM
26:00 – Individual trade ideas.
36:00 – CVX
39:00 – IWM
44:00 – LMT
46:00 – REG
49:00 – RTN
50:00 – CHKP
54:00 – ZS
56:00 – ROKU
58:00 – Closing statements.

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