Week 71 Report – Bearish Sentiment and Stop Orders

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, click on the link below to view the full report including the update on sentiment numbers and everyone’s comments on their use of stop orders.

Brief Analysis: The bullish sentient was incorrect last week as the market dropped 2.7%. Sentiment for this coming week has shifted sharply bearish and higher average confidence has also returned slightly to the bearish side.

Click here to download TRReport020115.pdf

Download all past reports here.

This week’s show will feature the following guests and host, be sure to register here!
– Cameron Yost of DimensionTrader.com
– Rob Hanna of QuantifiableEdges.com
– Vince Vora of TradingWins.com
– Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com

Please share your thoughts about the report in the comments section below.

Week 71 questions are ready! (S&P500 direction and stop orders)

Do you think that next week the S&P500 will move…

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

Please submit your response by:
4PM ET (1PM PT) on Sunday, 02/01/15.

Plus, give you opinion on this week’s new question:

When you place trades do you use stop orders for risk management? If so, how do you decide where to set your stops? 

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

Web Show for Week 70 Report – Worst Methodologies

Listen to Glenn Thompson of PacificTradingAcademy.com, John Nyaradi of WallStreetSectorSelector.com, guest host Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of TimingResearch.com, discuss the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter Week 70 Report. Watch the webinar below and see what everyone thought about this coming week on the S&P500 and everyone’s comments on what their least successful trading methodologies.

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Week 70 Report – Bullish Sentiment and Worst Methodologies

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, click on the link below to view the full report including the update on sentiment numbers and everyone’s comments on what  methodologies they have had the least success with in trading.

Brief Analysis: The bullish sentiment of last week was correct as the S&P500 jumped 1.54%. This week’s sentiment numbers stayed almost exactly the same with close to 70% of respondents predicting “Higher” for the coming week. Confidence levels are showing a rare instance of the averages for bulls and bears being almost exactly the same for the week but with a slight edge to the bulls.

Click here to download TRReport0112515.pdf

Download all past reports here.

This week’s show will feature the following guests and host, be sure to register here!
– Glenn Thompson of PacificTradingAcademy.com
– John Nyaradi of WallStreetSectorSelector.com
– Jason Jankovsky of TheLionOnline.net
– Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com

Please share your thoughts about the report in the comments section below.

Week 70 questions are ready! (S&P500 direction and least successful methodologies)

Do you think that next week the S&P500 will move…

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

Please submit your response by:
4PM ET (1PM PT) on Sunday, 01/25/15.

Plus, give you opinion on this week’s new question:

What styles of trading or methodologies have you had the least success with or found the most difficult to trade profitably? 

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

Web Show for Week 69 Report – Bullish Sentiment and Favorite Methodologies

Listen to George and Milton of FinancialJuice.com, Steven Place of InvestingWithOptions.com, Todd Gordon of TradingAnalysis.com, guest host Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of TimingResearch.com, discuss the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter Week 69 Report. Watch the webinar below and see what everyone thought about this coming week on the S&P500 and everyone’s comments on what their favorite or most successful trading methodologies.

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Week 69 Report – Bullish Sentiment and Favorite Methodologies

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, click on the link below to view the full report including the update on sentiment numbers and everyone’s comments on what  methodologies they have had the most success with in trading.

Brief Analysis: The strong bullish sentiment was incorrect last week as the S&P500 fell 1.31%. The strong bullishness has increased with 68.6% of survey respondents predicting a gain for the index during the shortened trading week starting January 20th. The average confidence on the “Higher” side was also higher than it has been in months.

Click here to download TRReport011815.pdf

Download all past reports here.

This week’s show will feature the following guests and host, be sure to register here!
– George and Milton of FinancialJuice.com
– Steven Place of InvestingWithOptions.com
– Todd Gordon of TradingAnalysis.com
– Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com

Please share your thoughts about the report in the comments section below.

Web Show for Week 68 Report – Bullish Sentiment and Favorite Books

Listen to Mike Bridges of PacificTradingAcademy.com, Jim Kenney of OptionProfessor.com, guest host Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of TimingResearch.com, discuss the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter Week 68 Report. Vince Vora of TradingWins.com was also supposed to be on but wasn’t able to this week; we’ll try to get him scheduled again for a future show. Watch the webinar below and see what everyone thought about this coming week on the S&P500 and everyone’s comments on what their favorite books of 2014 were and what they plan to read in 2015.

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Week 68 Report – Bullish Sentiment and Favorite Books

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, click on the link below to view the full report including the update on sentiment numbers and everyone’s comments on what books they read in 2014 and what they want to read in 2015.

Brief Analysis: The overall bearish sentiment from last week was correct as the S&P500 index dropped 0.47%. Sentiment has switched back to a bullish outlook for next week, however respondents choosing “Lower” had the higher average confidence.

Click here to download TRReport011115.pdf

Download all past reports here.

This week’s show will feature the following guests and host, be sure to register here!
– Vince Vora of TradingWins.com
– Mike Bridges of PacificTradingAcademy.com
– Jim Kenney of OptionProfessor.com
– Dave Landry of DaveLandry.com

Please share your thoughts about the report in the comments section below.