Crowd Forecast News Report #313

AD: [eBook] “Monthly Income Blueprint

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport092219.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (September 23rd to 27th)?
The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 40.0%
Lower: 60.0%
Higher/Lower Difference: -20.0%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 66.8%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 63.0%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 69.3%
Higher/Lower Difference: -6.3%

Responses Submitted This Week: 28
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 36.4

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 72% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5 year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 52.2% Lower, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 55% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.14% Lower for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 60.0% Lower with a greater average confidence from those who responded Lower. Similar conditions have occurred 25 times in the previous 312 weeks, with the majority sentiment (Lower) being correct 28% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.63% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 72% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):

AD: [eBook] “Monthly Income Blueprint

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 51.9%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 54.9%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 45.5%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

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Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• Tate Reeves campaign maybe
• trend
• Earnings
• China trade news. No negative surprises this week as had one this past Friday
• Interest rates trending down

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Stagnant Market, geopolitical tensions. Iran, China, US earnings. Approaching elections not a concern as long as Trump wins.
• US/China tariff trade problems
• Chart pattern, increased geopolitical pressures, possible armed conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran with US backing Saudi Arabia – increased pressure on political situation in Washington DC.
• Post triple witching Friday.
• Friday’s sell off
• us-china trade war iran tensions
• S&P looks like it reversed to downward this past Thurs & Fri. Volatility measure moving up. US-China trade talks more pessimistic.
• Highs proving a barrier
• Fear&Greed index still showing more greed than fear. But look out below when it starts showing fear.

AD: [eBook] “Monthly Income Blueprint

Question #4. Which trading platform or broker do you like the best for executing your trades?

• think or swim
• TC2000
• Tastyworks
• schwab
• I don’t have 1
• Tradestation
• Interactivebrokers
• Fidessa by ADM
• E-Trade.
• td ameri trade
• TradeStation
• Fidelity
• Fidelity
• TOS platform from Thinkorswim
• Interactive Brokers

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Gold & Silver will rise higher out of the sideways conjestion. Shorts covering with new buyers coming in.

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #239 
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, September 23rd, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Norman Hallett of
– Mark Sachs of
– Michael Guess of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #95
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, September 24th, 2019
– 4PM ET (1PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Mike Pisani of &
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

AD: [eBook] “Monthly Income Blueprint

Synergy Traders #3: Pro Traders Have the Mic

[AD] PDF: 7 Benefits To Advanced Options Strategies

This event was created by and and these presentations were recorded on Saturday, September 21st, 2019.

Synergy Traders #3.1: Trading Only What We Know To Be True with Rob Smith of, recorded at 10AM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #3.2: The Power And Simplicity Of Back Trading with Jerremy Newsome of, recorded at 11AM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

[AD] PDF: 7 Benefits To Advanced Options Strategies

Synergy Traders #3.3: Generate $500/Day With A Small Account with Anka Metcalf of, recorded at 12PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #3.4: Trading The Death Star with E. Matthew “Whiz” Buckley of, recorded at 1PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #3.5: OptionProfessor Market Update with Jim Kenney of, recorded at 2PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

[AD] PDF: 7 Benefits To Advanced Options Strategies

Analyze Your Trade Episode #94

Watch here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or your favorite podcast network:

On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Felix Frey of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
8:00 – BAC
14:00 – FB
17:00 – LK
19:00– COST
25:00 – SHOP
27:00 – THC
32:00 – BA
37:00 – Individual trade ideas.
1:00:00 – Closing statements.

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Crowd Forecast News Episode #238

Watch here or on YouTube (Note, this is an audio-only episode):

Listen to the audio-only version here or your favorite podcast network:

On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the most recent Crowd Forecast News report.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Jake Bernstein of
– Norman Hallett of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch. Enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Report #312

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport091519.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (September 16th to 20th)?

Higher: 47.8%
Lower: 52.2%
Higher/Lower Difference: -4.3%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Responses Submitted This Week: 25
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 36.5

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 55% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5 year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 70.6% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 60% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.63% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 52.2% Lower with a greater average confidence from those who responded Higher. Similar conditions have occurred 22 times in the previous 311 weeks, with the majority sentiment (Lower) being correct 45% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.10% Lower for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 55% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 51.8%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 54.9%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 45.5%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• trend
• Bounce
• FED lowering interest rate
• wave 5 still finishing
• recently the S & P broke out of compression
• Momentum
• Market ready for a blow off when rates rise, Setup continues until rates rise blow off coming soon
• sideways move at highs before breaking to new highs
• momentum Fed anticipation internals

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Resistance area maybe more selling than buying
• travel too far too fast
• Chart top
• Oil issues middle east and other macroeconomic factors in Europe.
• The S&P 50-day MA is flattening, and the S&P is skirting near the top Bollinger band, which makes a short-time pop less likely. Also, dissent on the Fed may keep the FOMC statement from being dovish.
• Thursday high
• Profit booking may come in the next week

Partner Offer:

Question #4. What methods or techniques do you use to overcome the emotional aspects of trading?

• Have a fixed plan for long term investing
• daily chart
• 20 day. 50 day ma
• I STAY in my Comfort Zone
• sit and watch all my right analisys go to waste
• Oversold/overbought conditions
• back tested strategies and rules
• I am not all that successful at it but try to follow a plan
• Scotch on the Rocks!

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• i think i will like this page it is like having a trading buddy
• Gold stalls and begins to move higher

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #238
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, September 16, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Jake Bernstein of
– Norman Hallett of
– Mark Sachs of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #94
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
– 4PM ET (1PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Felix Frey of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Synergy Traders #3
For this event 5 amazing trading educators available to teach you about their top trading strategies. We are inviting you to spend the day learning top trading strategies from leading industry experts that will bring you closer to achieving your trading goals.

Date and Time:
– Saturday, September 21st, 2019
– 10AM ET (7AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– 10AM ET: Rob Smith of (first time guest!)
– 11AM ET: Jerremy Newsome of
– 12PM ET: Anka Metcalf of
– 1PM ET: Ryan Mallory of (first time guest!)

Click here to find out more!


Analyze Your Trade Episode #93

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Watch here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or your favorite podcast network:

On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Larry Gaines of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Episode Timeline (links open on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
4:00 – CHD
10:00 – NVDA
14:00 – LULU
15:00 – AMD
25:00 – AAPL
27:00 – V
31:00 – BIIB
34:00 – SPGI
37:00 – UNP
40:00 – Individual trade ideas.
52:00 – AMZN & BABA
57:00 – WYNN
58:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Larry: How to Trade Volatility Breakouts – Trading Tools & Option Strategies Used

From Jim: OptionProfessor Weekly Market Update with Jim Kenney

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Episode #237

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Watch here or on YouTube (Note, this is an audio-only episode):

Listen to the audio-only version here or your favorite podcast network:

On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the most recent Crowd Forecast News report.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Jake Wujastyk of
– Erik Gebhard of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Guest Special Offers:

From Jake: Trading software, evolved: The world’s most powerful charting software – and so much more (15% discount with code “SPIDER15”)

From Erik: A NEW Approach to Option Spreads on the Stock Market in 1-Minute per day!

From Jim: OptionProfessor Weekly Market Update with Jim Kenney

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch. Enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Report #311

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport090819.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (September 9th to 13th)?
The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 70.6%
Lower: 29.4%
Higher/Lower Difference: 41.2%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 64.6%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 65.4%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 62.5%
Higher/Lower Difference: 2.9%

Responses Submitted This Week: 36
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 36.7

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 60% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5 year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 51.5% Lower, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 62% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 2.40% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 41.2% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Higher. Similar conditions have occurred 62 times in the previous 310 weeks, with the majority sentiment (Higher) being correct 60% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.10% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 60% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 51.6%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 54.9%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 45.5%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• Institutional Money Managers
• China trade talks should fuel rally
• Bull close today
• Good 4 all
• Theo Trade, VectorVest, Top Gun Options, DTI, Chaikin Analytics , Market Guage, Market Beat, Market Chameleon,
• On D,W,M TF is price above 50 SMA. This week price reaches record high.
• no clue
• Fed to cut rate / Trade talks with China
• weekly wave5 continues
• day and H4 RSI long
• The momentum favors more upside, although it may be a sideways week with upward bias.
• FED WILL cut
• test the highs
• Momentum is with the Bulls
• It broke out to the up
• Hard question. I would risk no more than 1%.
• FED/FOMC drooling

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• at a reversal point
• Technical analysis
• china will be complaining about the tariff and the hongkong rioting will get worse
• Mkt was up last week
• closing gaps
• Smart money leaving market
• Divergences all over the place

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Question #4. What indicator influences your trading the most?

• dow industrial
• Interest rates
• todays bull moving a erage ob the SP 500
• Gut
• EMA , Chaikin Money Flow, On Balance, RSI, MACD, S/R , Keltner Channel
• News
• rsi and macd overbought
• News, Economic reports, and unfortunately, our crazy gov’t actions.
• Proprietary
• Vantagepoint
• Comparing fast and slow stochastics comparing fast and slow MACD
• 50, 100, 200 MA
• price action
• Approaching election year.
• RSI and price action
• Channels, MACD
• Custom
• Rsi

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Sell gold (NUGT)
• Gold & Silver pulled back last week., will stabilize this week and start a move back up.

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #237
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, September 9th, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Jake Wujastyk of
– Erik Gebhard of
– Anka Metcalf of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #93
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, September 10th, 2019
– 4PM ET (1PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Larry Gaines of
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

AD: How to Trade the Bobble Pattern (eBook)


Synergy Traders #2: Top Pro Traders Have the Mic

This event was created by and and these presentations were recorded on Saturday, September 7th, 2019.

Synergy Traders #2.1: How to generate $500/Day Day Trading Futures with Anka Metcalf of, recorded at 10AM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #2.2: Trading Global Macro with Amelia Bourdeau of, recorded at 11AM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #2.3: A Simple Strategy For All Markets with Boris Schlossberg of, recorded at 12PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #2.4: The Phoenix A Trend Trader’s Best Kept Secret with Toni Hansen of, recorded at 1PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Synergy Traders #2.5: How To Make Your Money Work For You with Kiana Danial of, recorded at 2PM ET:

Watch the video here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or on your favorite podcast network:

Analyze Your Trade Episode #92

Watch here or on YouTube:

Listen to the audio-only version here or your favorite podcast network:

On this episode you can listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Jim Kenney of (moderator)
– Harry Boxer of (first time guest!)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
3:50 – ULTA
7:00 – ROKU
13:10 – GLD & SLV
18:50 – MSFT
20:40 – BYND
22:40 – PAAS
23:40 – IRBT
25:50 – M
29:00 – Individual trade ideas of the week (OMCL, LII, ETSY, LSCC, SONO, TVIX, SIEN, TLT, and more).
44:40 – TSLA
46:10 – NVDA
47:40  – C
51:00 – FISV
53:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Harry: Real-Time Technical Trading Room – Create A New Account – No Credit Card Required!

From Jim: OptionProfessor Weekly Market Update with Jim Kenney

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

Other Partner Offer:


1 51 52 53 54 55 114