Analyze Your Trade Episode #66

Watch the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Jim Kenney of
– Anka Metcalf of (moderator)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
5:00 – Overall thoughts about the markets.
11:50 – PE
17:00 – PZZA
19:50 – CAC
22:30 – FSLR
25:30 – NFLX
30:40 – AMAT
34:50 – SQ
39:30 – RHT
43:00 – FIVE
46:00 – MU
49:00 – COST
52:40 – STNE
56:00 – NAVI
59:50 – TJX
1:01:10 – GILD
1:02:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Anka: Subscribe to Anka’s weekly videos on YouTube

From Jim: OptionProfessor Weekly Market Update with Jim Kenney

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Report #282

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport021819.pdf

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Tuesday’s open to Friday’s close (February 19th to 22nd)?
The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 67.6%
Lower: 32.4%
Higher/Lower Difference: 35.3%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 65.0%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 64.1%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 66.8%
Higher/Lower Difference: -2.7%

Responses Submitted This Week: 35
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 41.3

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 57% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5+ year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 65.9% Lower, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 61% Chance Lower; the S&P500 closed 2.33% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 67.6% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Lower. Similar conditions have occurred 28 times in the previous 281 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 57% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.02% Lower for the week (one of those circumstances where there have been more moves higher but the overall average move is lower). Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 57% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 52.0%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 56.9%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 63.6%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• optimistic about fundamentals
• European hedgefunds moving to American markets.
• Momentum
• China deal hopes
• Renewed optimism.
• trend
• Closer to possible USA/China Deal
• 1.Seasonality- Feb – May usually bullish. 2. tariff war abating ? 3. Even stupidity runs out of steam !
• continued belief in trade deal
• The trend will be up until it isn’t
• Border Security
• This week ends with momentum Market building a top
• trend up continues
• Trend and support now establishef
• News, seemingly China trade favorable.b
• China talks looking more positive
• Major indexes crossing above 200DMA
• trade talks still optimistic. cash from Brexit coming to US stocks

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Post seasonality correction
• Resistance at 2810.
• overbought
• Need to see all 4-indices ,not 3 breaking out . Like to see a pullback . Reversion to the mean
• elliott wave
• Market is now overbought. Some backing and filling would be helpful.
• The market is balancing negative reports on retail sales and industrial production with hopes of US/China trade deal. The S&P is extended, and 2800 looks like strong resistance. If we get there, the drop could be steeper than the run up.
• Many time pivots favor selling.

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Question #4. Who would you most like to see as a guest on one of the TimingResearch shows?

TimingResearch Response: Thank you for the suggestions!

• Price Headley of Big Trends Dave Meckenburg Spelling ? of Tiger Shark Trading AJ Brown of Trader Training
• No 1 can think of
• Constance Brown
• Tom Bowley
• Daytradingradio host john cursico.
• Chris breacher
• Warren Buffet
• sector analysis rotation info
• Mary Ellen
• Kevin Davey and Marvin Arpel of System & Forecast

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Expert in trading small caps

Join us for this week’s shows:

Analyze Your Trade Episode #66
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Jim Kenney of
– Neil Batho of
– Anka Metcalf of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Crowd Forecast News Episode #214
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, February 25th, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Mark Sachs of
– Jim Kenney of
– Gary Dean of

Click here to find out more!

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.


Crowd Forecast News Survey #282

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Do you think that next week the S&P500 will move…

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

Please submit your response by:
6PM ET (3PM PT) on Monday, 02/18/2019
(The survey is closing and the report will be published on Monday this week due to the market holiday.)

Plus, give you opinion on this week’s new question:
Who would you most like to see as a guest on one of the TimingResearch shows?

Higher or Lower? Click here to go to this week’s survey!

CFN is off this week for the market holiday but will be back on 2/25, AYT will still be on this week:

Analyze Your Trade Episode #66
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Jim Kenney of
– Neil Batho of
– Anka Metcalf of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Crowd Forecast News Episode #214
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, February 25th, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Mark Sachs of
– Jim Kenney of
– Gary Dean of

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #65

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Watch the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

Lineup for this Episode:
– George Papazov of TRADEPRO Academy
– Neil Batho of
– Jim Kenney of

Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Episode Timeline (links will open video on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
4:30 – SQ
8:20 – EWZ
11:50 – AMD
15:00 – SBUX
20:20 – NVDA
24:20 – BPMC
28:30 – SHOP
34:40 – ZUO
37:40 – C
43:50 – RMD
49:40 – GOOS
53:30 – DNKN
54:50 – TWTR
55:40 – EXPE
56:10 – PYPL
57:10 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From George: Get 3 secret trading indicators to help you make consistent profit.

From Jim: OptionProfessor Weekly Market Update with Jim Kenney

From Neil: Stock, Option, and ETF RESEARCH

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies



Crowd Forecast News Episode #213

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the most recent Crowd Forecast News report.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Bennett McDowell of
– Damon Pavlatos of
– Mark Sachs of
– Anka Metcalf of (moderator)

Timeline (click to watch on
0:00 – Introductions.
9:50 – Question #1 & #2; Higher or Lower?
30:40 – Question #3; Why?
45:00 – Question #4; Who did you learn the most from?
1:01:20 – Trade ideas and closing statements.

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Guest Special Offers:

From Anka: Subscribe to Anka’s weekly videos on YouTube

From Mark: Live Trading Room Trial For $1

From Damon: Email [email protected] or visit

From Bennett: Discover How To Earn A Seven Figure Income Trading!

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch. Enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Report #281

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport021019.pdf

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (February 11th to 15th)?
The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 34.1%
Lower: 65.9%
Higher/Lower Difference: -31.7%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 65.0%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 62.5%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 66.3%
Higher/Lower Difference: -3.8%

Responses Submitted This Week: 43
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 41.7

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 61% Chance Lower
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5 year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 63.4% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 65% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.05% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 34.1% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Lower. Similar conditions have occurred 31 times in the previous 280 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 61% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.17% Lower for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 65% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 52.2%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 58.8%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 72.7%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• The Bulls seem to be fighting hard to continue melt up
• Seasonality is very favorable this week. Money keeps being pulled from the stock market.
• Best six months of year historically
• China trade talks look positive Meeting w/ NO Korea Trump wants to avoid government shutdown
• technical analysis
• dow stocks DIS FB MSFT held steady to up for week up next week
• Trend of the market remains positive
• history
• Dips are being bought. With the uncertainty, rallies could be sold, so upside appears to be limited.

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Topping out
• Government will shut down again
• Vix and order flow
• Reality catches up with algorithmic traders
• Resistance at 200 Day MA
• we hit a reistance area ,spx 2704–rejected now revert back down to thw mean.
• consolidating below 200 day smh
• elliott wave
• Resistance levels will continue to hold. Failure of Congress to deal with China and/or Government Shutdown will weigh on prices.
• overbought
• weak internals, momentum, MACD
• uncertainty over gov’t shut down on 2/15
• Its over
• trade war
• Mkts going to be more range bound
• dynamic yield curve set up (at stock With the low vol. in the s&p500 last week . with the crazy news. it seems like is stuck at 2650 2700. . . I see it at 2550. to 2600
• No spectacular earnings.
• Expecting markets to revert to the mean, 50 day moving average
• Down we go. . Stochastics have turned
• Sentiment indicators (fear vs greed) are showing net greed.

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Question #4. Who have you learned the most from about trading or investing? What about their teaching style or method made them more effective?

• my self . then mostly by far CHAT with TRADERS Aaron Fifield all 167 eps. then Mr. Mike Pisani. . on youtube Rayner Teo. . also The 20 habits of a successful trader. and you all of course
• Trend following turned my p/l
• Keep expectations low
• Al Brooks. He shows, on the chart, what the bulls are thinking and what the bears are thinking. He doesn’t have indicators except for trendlines and a moving average. He emphasizes probability and always has stops.
• Lot of online resources and self study
• Gerald Appel candor, integrity
• I learned that there are many counter intuitive moves and that explanations of market moves often don’t make sense.
• Jim Cramer.
• Follow big money flows and interest rates
• Myself
• Friends live on line
• William O’Neil. Follow through days, cutting losses & letting winners run!
• Patience

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Keep up the good work. don’t bet on the S&p on my opinion

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #213
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, February 11th, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Bennett McDowell of
– Damon Pavlatos of
– Mark Sachs of
– Anka Metcalf of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #65
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, February 12th, 2019
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– George Papazov of TRADEPRO Academy
– Jim Kenney of
– Michael Filighera of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

AD: Need more capital to trade? Click here.

Analyze Your Trade Episode #64

Watch the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Christian Fromhertz of
– Dean Jenkins of (moderator)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
3:20 – RMD
6:00 – XPO
8:40 – HD
12:30 – General market thoughts.
17:00 – FTNT
20:20 – GOOGL
26:30 – VMW
28:50 – MSFT
31:50 – ROKU
34:50 – Individual guest trade ideas.
42:50 – JNJ
45:10 – GDXJ
49:20 – SYMC
51:00 – MS
53:30 – BKNG & TRIP
56:50 – WMT
57:50 – ATHM
59:00– Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Dean: “Beyond the Noise” FREE Weekly Newsletter

From Christian: Get your first month of Elite Trader Package for $7.99

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Episode #212

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the most recent Crowd Forecast News report.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Glenn Thompson of
– Simon Klein of
– Rob Hanna of (moderator)

Timeline (click to watch on
0:00 – Introductions.
11:30 – Higher or Lower? And outlook?
36:00 – Other possible events watching this week?
48:50 – What type(s) of trading do you specialize in or focus on? How did you come to that decision?
57:30 – Trade ideas of the week and closing statements.

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Guest Special Offers:

From Rob: Free 1-week trial

From Simon: Build A Profitable Trading Strategy In 15 Mins

From Glenn: Join Our Free Webinars

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch. Enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies


Crowd Forecast News Report #280

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport020319.pdf


Disciplined Trader Mastery Program: Now There’s a Simple and Easy-To-Follow System For Gaining Control of Your Mental Game and Finally Live Your Dream of Independence and Financial Security


Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (February 4th to 8th)?
The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 63.4%
Lower: 36.6%
Higher/Lower Difference: 26.8%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 63.9%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 66.4%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 59.7%
Higher/Lower Difference: 6.7%

Responses Submitted This Week: 43
52-Week Average Number of Responses: 42.0

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 65% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 5 year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 60.0% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 55% Chance Lower; the S&P500 closed 2.33% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 63.4% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Higher. Similar conditions have occurred 23 times in the previous 279 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 65% of the time and with an average S&P500 move of 0.13% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 65% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Raw Data Page (raw data files include full history spreadsheet and the above charts):


Disciplined Trader Mastery Program: Now There’s a Simple and Easy-To-Follow System For Gaining Control of Your Mental Game and Finally Live Your Dream of Independence and Financial Security


Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 52.0%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 58.8%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 63.6%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

Email Alerts

Make sure you don’t miss all the future reports, show reminders, and bonus offers from TimingResearch, enter your email here:

By signing up you agree to receive newsletter and alert emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policies

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• Higher weekly highs, positive week historically, The Fed is on the side of bulls
• Earnings and Presidential speech
• Tariffs resolved
• earnings have been fair to good [ altho guidance down ] • Fed Oil workers 3 Yr. agreement Trump’s move against OIL fr. venezuela should cause oil prices to rebound over the next 3 or 4 months. That should draw the mkt. up.
• inverse reticulation of adverse momentum
• Momentum
• Too much talk that it is going down.
• relative strength charts
• chart pattern
• China deal getting coser
• The market moved up strongly last week, with some good earnings reports, and with good breadth, and a more dovish fed. Expecting a continuation now.
• MO
• Momentum of trend and earnings
• the distress in Europe and abroad and the encouragement of our political affairs as well as a generally good economy despite the talking heads of doom
• Wall Street/Washington TV chatter.
• good earnings
• Can see only 3 waves up so far from 2624 to 2717. Still need a wave 4 down (maybe already completed) and then a brief new high this coming week to higher than 2717. I don’t even believe Elliott wave stuff and I’m pretty sure the algos don’t use it. But it’s become so popular that it might be worth mapping.

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Oh it’s coming now Inflation rising layoffs here recession begun Not A recovery but a short lived rebound
• High gold oil Huge layoffs Market building a top
• This is the 4th try for S&P to close a move 200dma.
• Technical
• slowing momentum
• Technical analysis
• 2710 to 2720 strong resistance
• Resistance levels to continue to hold. Earnings forecasts continue to be soft.
• possibly weekly over bought ?
• losing momentum, may peak early in week
• time for a pb


Disciplined Trader Mastery Program: Now There’s a Simple and Easy-To-Follow System For Gaining Control of Your Mental Game and Finally Live Your Dream of Independence and Financial Security


Question #4. What type(s) of trading do you specialize in or focus on? How did you come to that decision?

• Options
• Forex and SP500
• spy aapl options
• stocks and options
• Arbitrage
• Swing trading.
• Swing trades on stocks. My schedule doesn’t allow good access to day-trading.
• Growth
• Long term etfs only
• options
• Stocks, options
• options – small account
• option swing trading
• put spreads higher returns
• day
• fundamental as well as charts
• options months to weeks
• worm casting futures
• Swing
• Sell out-of-money ES index options. Why? Because don’t have to bite fingernails.
• Options- calls, puts, verticals earns a greater percentage than buying and selling stocks without the high risk associated
• options and stocks. Greed !!!!
• options & futures
• See Above
• options
• options

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• love it

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #212
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, February 4th, 2019
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Glenn Thompson of
– Simon Klein of
– Rob Hanna of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #64
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, February 5th, 2019
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

Moderator and Guests:
– Christian Fromhertz of
– Dean Jenkins of (moderator)

Click here to find out more!


Disciplined Trader Mastery Program: Now There’s a Simple and Easy-To-Follow System For Gaining Control of Your Mental Game and Finally Live Your Dream of Independence and Financial Security


Analyze Your Trade Episode #63

Watch the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the symbol list for this week’s Analyze Your Trade episode.

New! Listen to this episode as a podcast through iTunesPodbean, Stitcher, Spotify, and more.

Lineup for this Episode:
– Michael Filighera of
– Mike Pisani of & (moderator)

Episode Timeline:
0:00 – Introductions.
4:00 – AAPL
6:30 – General market thoughts and earnings.
16:20 – MU
20:20– IWM
24:40 – AMGN
31:50 – CAT
37:00 – ABBV
43:50 – BABA
50:20 – TLT
54:30 – PANW
56:10 – AMD
57:10 – SQ
1:02:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Mike: Millions of options are traded every day identifying which ones to trade is what we do. We want to help you do it too.

From Michael: Free Pass to Candlelight Trading Trade Room

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Go Full Throttle with Top Gun Options! Top Gun Options is Kicking Off the INDUSTRY Leading Full Throttle Market Briefs starting LIVE Tuesday January 29th at 1 PM


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