Crowd Forecast News Report #245

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport060318.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (June 4th to June 8th)?
(The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 65.8%
Lower: 34.2%
Higher/Lower Difference: 31.6%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 67.5%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 70.4%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 61.9%
Higher/Lower Difference: 8.5%

Responses Submitted This Week: 42
26-Week Average Number of Responses: 50.0

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 58% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 4+ year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 64.6% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 54% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 1.09% Higher for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 65.8% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Higher. Similar conditions have been observed 12 times in the previous 244 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 58% of the time, with an average S&P500 move of 0.13% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting an 58% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 67.5%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 70.4%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 61.9%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• first week of the month whem401k money flows in.
• On Weekly Chart Timeframe, I see an uptrend doji candlestic pattern at level of support
• Trade war is fake news at its obvious peak. The back and forth will continue to swing higher and lower wit a mean of generally higher. Gold and oil doing their dance for now.
• break above resistance
• I feel like the strength of the market has overcome a myriad of systemic obstacles
• good economic statistics
• Employment figures
• S&P bounced, and closed near its week’s high on Friday, helped by a positive jobs report. The momentum favors the bulls at this point.
• The good news that turned the market around last week will have a small but positive carry thru this coming week
• constructive pause, higher lows
• Weekly averages (DOW and S&P) have been moving slowly in an up direction.
• The market will never go down
• DIA trending turns up…

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• S&P500 is at the top of its recent range (~2700 – ~2740). If it breaks to the upside, then further gains can be expected. However, with trade war rhetoric back in focus, I’m looking for the S&P500 to stay range bound this week.
• Summer sell off began 2 weeks ago
• Trade Wars. US economy overheating and will cause oversupply.
• Sell in May and go away.
• The downside correction will not be complete until there is a selling climax. Just get me out.
• Erraticness of Administrations policies is starting to sink in andf it is NOT good for the markets
• poor momentum and breadth
• I believe the international trade conflict could have a bearish effect on the S&P
• Trump’s tariffs
• trading war

Question #4. Which indicator influences your trading the most?

• No one indicator on its own influences my trading. However, if I had to pick & use only one; I’d probably go with Stochastics.
• Volume
• Price action
• Fibonacci ratios
• News and earnings.
• Rsi7 and the nyse tick
• previous day’s change along with volume, particularly institutional
• elliott wave theory
• Elliott Wave
• Dow and other indictors up or down.
• volume
• Price action; also support/resistance areas.
• Gold
• the oil stocks
• Moving averages and volume.
• chaikin oscillator
• adx
• volume
• Slow stochastics

BONUS #1: Do you regularly listen to or watch any financial, investing, or trading-related web shows or podcasts (besides the TimingResearch shows)?

BONUS #2: Which shows or podcasts do you watch or listen to?

• tastytrade
• Cnbc. Tfnn
• MacroVoices
• TimingResearch, Jim Craemer, BNN
• Fox.
• CNBC——all day
• depends
• cnbc in morning and power lunch
• TheoTrade nightly update

BONUS #3: Which platforms or apps do you use to watch or listen to the shows (e.g. YouTube, Stitcher, iTunes, etc.)?

• IPAD / Bob the Trader
• Youtube
• iTunes
• Google, youtube, wherever they’re forecast.
• Ninja Trader with Decision Trader
• youtube
• tv
• You Tube

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Price is King

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #183
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, June 4th, 2018
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

– Anka Metcalf of
– Neil Batho of
– John Thomas of

– Rob Hanna of

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #37
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, June 5th, 2018
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

– Larry Gaines of
– Jim Kenney of

– Dean Jenkins of

Click here to find out more!

Partner Offer:

See The Hottest Stocks For Free


Did you expect Adobe (ADBE) & Netflix (NFLX) to start roaring higher once the new year began?
Financhill did. Click here to learn more.

Analyze Your Trade Episode #36

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the stocks submitted by people who registered to view this episode.

– Mark Sachs of (first time guest!)
– Christian Fromhertz of
– E. Matthew “Whiz” Buckley of

Download the show audio in MP3 (podcast) format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode36.mp3

Download the show video in MP4 format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode36.mp4

Episode Timeline (click the times below to watch that segment on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
4:10 – KHC
9:10 – AMGN
17:50 – CL
22:50 – BA
30:40 – GLD
35:40 – GE
41:30 – NVDA
47:10 – AMZN
52:50 – Individual trade ideas.
59:10 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Mark: Live Trading Room Trial For $1

From Christian: Ger your first month of Elite Trader Package for $7.99

From Matt: Get The Market SITREP (Situation Report) In Your Inbox Every Trading Day

Other Partner Offer:

See The Hottest Stocks For Free


Did you expect Adobe (ADBE) & Netflix (NFLX) to start roaring higher once the new year began?
Financhill did. Click here to learn more.


Crowd Forecast News Report #244

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download report in PDF format: TRReport052818.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Tuesday’s open to Friday’s close (May 29th to June 1st)?
(The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 64.6%
Lower: 35.4%
Higher/Lower Difference: 29.2%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 65.9%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 64.8%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 66.9%
Higher/Lower Difference: -2.1%

Responses Submitted This Week: 51
26-Week Average Number of Responses: 50.4

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 54% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 4+ year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 51.1% Lower, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 87% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.51% Lower for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 64.6% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Lower. Similar conditions have been observed 24 times in the previous 243 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 54% of the time, with an average S&P500 move of 0.40% Lower for the week (one of those rare circumstances where the S&P500 moved higher more frequently but the overall average was negative). Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting an 54% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 50.2%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 51.0%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 36.4%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

Weekly Reports Page:
Raw Data Page:
Current Survey Page:
Any feedback:

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• Looks like S&P 500 index establishing support at these levels. Expect further sideways action with slightly increasing prices.
• War. War. Drum eat tempo increases
• On the daily chart: 1) The S&P500 index value broke the bearish trend line and resistance line at level 2716 2) The S&P500 index has formed the bullish candlestick pattern Tweezer Bottom above the resistance line, reporting that it will go bullish. 3) Currently the S&P500 index is in lateral movement or range, forming a rectangle, informing that the SP&500 index will go up towards 2800
• Jordan
• set up to go up– taxes – low interest- etc
• N Korea summit looks positive, if that changes, so would my opinion
• geo-political better —–tweets less mad
• Overall trend in the chart shows a price increase. Bollinger bands are trending up, and so is RSI.
• Pre-election sentiment.
• Comes out + on indicator
• still buying
• The S&P has continued its consolidation pattern above the 50-day MA. Dips are being bought.
• Oil @ China were the down fall and should and that problem should be thru by mid week an we should see a slight change to the up side but after a little more down in the early part of the week if will do good to move up little.
• 12 Week EMA providing support to intermediate uptrend.
• seasonally, market usually goes up after memorial day
• Lots of outside influences affecting the market. Politics, price of oil. S&P was down a few points this week. I expect the same type of result this next week.
• The market is bullet proof and impervious to all disaster, natural and man made!!!!
• rr
• Donald Trump and the strong turnout to vote for our Republican primary

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Its topped months ago
• trend is your friend
• With oil down and interest rates down, the market will continue to consolidate but with a downward bias because the dollar is up compromising sales and profits. Trading will be thin, the labor reports on Friday will be bearish, and fears of higher interest rates will return. Anything can happen with NK, NAFTA, trade talks and tariffs creating a wet blanket of uncertainty. This week, the market will be in a “she loves me, she loves me not” attitude.
• wave
• I think the trade deal with China is on very shaky ground, and I don’t think North Korea Kim is done messing with us.
• na
• It’s just time is up. Nice pullback is eminent.
• Sell in May and go away
• Elliott
• The downside correction will not be complete until their is a selling climax. Just get me out.
• Summer rising rates market toppy

Question #4. What sectors/industries are you most excited about for long-term market growth and why?

• tech stocks like AMZN and BABA
• Tech – Great new stuff coming out Financials – They shifting into high gear
• Semiconductors and software.
• healthcare
• Oil
• Tech. and oil . with the exception of AMZN, and in time WMT & TGT retain is dead or will be soon.
• Maxim, Qualcom, Micron for IOT busines and FSLR because of their wide market spread. INSG could be a dark horse here if they can get rid of some of their debt and deliver the 5G and IOT products.
• tech
• Defence
• Healthcare and technology will support the young and aging population. Software and industrials will support our standard of living. Energy is in transition but financials will pay for it all. A strong defense will encourage world survival if not peaceful.
• banking, self driving autos
• Technology Most fluid opportunities
• GOLD!!!
• Probably financial / banking with interest rates expected to continue rising.
• energy-batteries
• Tech sector – That’s where the growth is, especially robotics.
• Computer
• Retail, technology.
• oil, and industial – economy looks good
• Google
• industrial & transportation
• Oil and oil-related companies, as well as small-cap companies. A very FEW large-cap companies could be good options.
• Oil going up energy lag will end

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• There is no end to the Dem’s opposition and the desire of the left to create an under class of under educated, welfare needing citizens requiring government to survive. People need the dignity of work and the pride of independence to be happy, not free stuff and welfare.
• Google

Join us for this week’s shows:

The Crowd Forecast News show was off today but please join us for Analyze Your Trade!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #36
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, May 28th, 2018
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

– Mark Sachs of (first time guest!)
– Christian Fromhertz of

– E. Matthew “Whiz” Buckley of

Click here to find out more!

Partner Offer:

See The Hottest Stocks For Free


Did you expect Adobe (ADBE) & Netflix (NFLX) to start roaring higher once the new year began?
Financhill did. Click here to learn more.

Analyze Your Trade Episode #35

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the stocks submitted by people who registered to view this episode.

– Jim Kenney of
– Fausto Pugliese of
– Todd Mitchell of
– Dean Jenkins of

Download the show audio in MP3 (podcast) format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode35.mp3

Download the show video in MP4 format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode35.mp4

Episode Timeline (click the times to watch that segment on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
4:00 – TSLA
10:20 – FB
14:50 – SQ
19:10 – CAT
22:40 – MU
27:20 – Individual trade ideas.
37:10 – TWTR
43:00 – XBI
46:30 – AAPL
50:00 – IWM
55:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Todd: Get Steps to Profitable Options Trading E-Book At NO COST Today!

From Fausto: Free Tape Reading Crash Course

From Dean: “Beyond the Noise” FREE Weekly Newsletter

From Jim: You can get comprehensive Option education here.

Other Partner Offer:

500% Returns on a daily basis?


It doesn’t seem real, but this breakthrough strategy is primed to deliver blockbuster trades directly to your inbox.
See how it works here!


Crowd Forecast News Report #243

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, you can download the full PDF report with the link below or you can now read the full report in this post below.

Click here to download the full report: TRReport052018.pdf

Question #1. Which direction do you think the S&P500 index will move from this coming Monday’s open to Friday’s close (May 21st to May 25th)?
(The order of possible responses to this question on the survey were randomized for each viewer.)

Higher: 48.9%
Lower: 51.1%
Higher/Lower Difference: -2.1%

Question #2. Rate your confidence in your answer to Question #2 by estimating the probability you have correctly predicted next week’s market move.

Average of All Responses: 64.3%
Average For “Higher” Responses: 62.4%
Average For “Lower” Responses: 66.0%
Higher/Lower Difference:

Responses Submitted This Week: 49
26-Week Average Number of Responses: 50.3

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 87% Chance Higher
This prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 4+ year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 65.1% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 69% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.93% Lower for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 51.1% Lower with a greater average confidence from those who responded Lower. Similar conditions have been observed 8 times in the previous 242 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 13% of the time, with an average S&P500 move of 0.88% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting an 87% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

Full Weekly Results (full version of this chart available in the raw data spreadsheet for this week, “Date” field below lists the Monday of the week being predicted).

Overall Sentiment All-Time “Correct” Percentage: 50.0%
Overall Sentiment 52-Week “Correct” Percentage: 51.0%
Overall Sentiment 12-Week “Correct” Percentage: 36.4%

Only the previous 52 weeks of data are shown below, please download the raw data to see the full range of past data.

NOTE: The following open-ended answers are solely the opinions of the anonymous respondents to this survey. Responses are mostly unedited, but some have been reformatted slightly for to make them easier to read. Some irrelevant responses (e.g. “none”), or anything obviously fake, or copy and pasted responses have been omitted. All-caps responses have been changed to all lowercase. All responses for each week, unedited, are available in the raw data spreadsheets at

Question #3. For your answer to Question #1, please share what specific reason(s) you think the S&P500 will be heading the direction you chose.

“Higher” Respondent Answers:

• Looks like support possibly forming at this level after a breakout of triangle last week. It appears further upside is possible, even though markets becoming overbought.
• I think that dividends were good on Apple T 3M IBM and it helps support a buller Market maybe
• Pre-holiday short covering.
• general gring upward
• still buying
• The two previous weeks were strongly up, then small consolidation down. Q1 earnings up about 26% from Q1-2017. So, have to lean toward the upside.
• A ponzi scheme works until it doesn’t
• its in a wedge formation
• No trade war.
• Chart shows beginnings of consolidation. Stochastics peaked.
• ww

“Lower” Respondent Answers:

• Possible unfavorable news out of washington
• POlitical unrest end of earnings may down to 50ma
• Jim Grants analysis on interest rates and the FED
• —Tariff & trade wars —Political mayhem caused by stupidity
• Spy looks weak, as if it wants to retest recent lows.
• top of trend channel
• increasing debt and uncertainty.
• SPX failed to break above the trend line and hold its high and go higher this week. Instead it went lower. Interest rates are rising along with the price of oil suggesting inflation and higher interest rates to follow. Geopolitical events could be market movers this week but I think the the market will be dull planning for the Memorial Day holiday. Rotation to the RUT looks to continue and the market will have to wait for second quarter earnings to get excited again.
• sim
• General feeling is that we are drifting and generally down.
• Sell in May and Go away. Government in DC does not appear to know what it is doing and inflation increasing.
• Trend and market phase.
• The downside correction will not be complete until there is a selling climax. Just get me out.
• The market was muted this week. Not much movement in the Dow and S&P. I think investors are cautious as to what China trade and North Korea are going to do. Looks like the old adage; the markets don’t like uncertainty. Should be a slow week with little movement next week.
• It will make a low but then go higher highs
• sentiment and gain over this year..

Question #4. Please suggest a question that you’d like to see in the future on this survey. It could be a general trading-related question, a future event prediction question, something news related, or anything else you’d like to see other traders answer.

• what have you learned from back testing the main indexes
• More questions on foreign economies
• You high profit traders, what methods work for you?
• Describe some of the worst mistakes you’ve ever made trading. What are missed opportunities that still bother you today? What is the most money that you have lost in one day for your own account? What is the most money that you have made in one day for your own account? What great trade did you make once that you would like to have made over and over again if you could? What are your one-year, five-year, and 10-year percentage returns? How large an account is necessary to trade with your service?
• How can the federal debt issue be resolved?
• Does financial media have a buy side bias for stocks?
• “Sell in May & go away “—–comment for 2018 —–Seasonality & sector rotation. —–BP says oil to drop to $30 —–Others say to rise to $90 What tea-leaves do the above folk use ?
• I haven’t seen the results to previous questions. If the results are posted somewhere, please provide where the results are posted in the survey. (Perhaps in parenthesis at the end of the question… (“See results at ” or some such.)
• How much do you think the S&P is influenced by international and political events?
• best commission considerations for day traders, swing traders or options traders ; trade small and trade often commissions considerations

Question #5. Additional Comments/Questions/Suggestions?

• Neutral should also be an option. I would have said flat to slightly lower.
• nothing is 10% can traders give a percentage likelihood for their predictions
• mercado livre
• The illegal and embarrassing actions of the FBI and Justice Department need to be uncovered before the DEMS take the House, which if that happens, the corruption will be lost to history and the coup will have prevailed.

Join us for this week’s shows:

The Crowd Forecast News show is off for the next two weeks but please join us for Analyze Your Trade!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #35
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

– Jim Kenney of
– Fausto Pugliese of
– Todd Mitchell of

– Dean Jenkins of

Click here to find out more!

Partner Offer:

500% Returns on a daily basis?


It doesn’t seem real, but this breakthrough strategy is primed to deliver blockbuster trades directly to your inbox.
See how it works here!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #34

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the stocks submitted by people who registered to view this episode.

– Jim Kenney of
– Mike Pisani of
– Michael Filighera of

Download the show audio in MP3 (podcast) format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode34.mp3

Download the show video in MP4 format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode34.mp4

Episode Timeline (click the times to watch that segment on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
4:10 – HEAR
11:10 – MELI
18:30 – WBA
29:00 – MSFT
39:30 – Individual trade ideas.
55:10 – SYMC
58:00 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Mike: Follow @OptionsMike on Twitter. And Get News Trade Alerts Daily!

From Michael: Check out Michael’s friend’s service at; Futures Trading Education and Live Trade Room, Join now and receive $100 off your first Month!

From Jim: You can get comprehensive Option education here.

Other Partner Offer:

See The Hottest Stocks For Free


Did you expect Adobe (ADBE) & Netflix (NFLX) to start roaring higher once the new year began?
Financhill did. Click here to learn more.



Crowd Forecast News Episode #182

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the stocks submitted by people who registered to view this episode.

– Simon Klein of
– Jim Kenney of
– Dave Landry of

Timeline (click to watch on
0:00 – Introductions.
6:40 – Questions #1 and #2; Higher or Lower? Confidence?
9:40 – Question #3; Why?
23:00 – Question #4; What have you made the most profit from this year?
34:20 – Trade ideas of the week, bonus question about Iran deal, and other news discussion.
47:40 – Closing statements and news about Supreme Court decision on sports betting.

Download the show in audio-only format: CrowdForecastNewsEpisode182.mp3

Download the show video video (MP4) format: CrowdForecastNewsEpisode182.mp4

You can download this week’s and all past reports here.

Guest Special Offers:

From Simon: Build A Profitable Trading Strategy In 15 Mins

From Dave: $100 Reusable Promo Code-Good For All Products At

From Jim: You can get comprehensive Option education here.

Other Partner Offer:

See The Hottest Stocks For Free


Did you expect Adobe (ADBE) & Netflix (NFLX) to start roaring higher once the new year began?
Financhill did. Click here to learn more.


Crowd Forecast News Report #242

The new TimingResearch report for the week has been posted, click on the link below to view the full report including the update on sentiment numbers.

Click here to download the full report: TRReport051318.pdf

TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Prediction: 69% Chance Higher

This indicator prediction is an attempt by the editor of this newsletter to use the full 4+ year history of data collected from this project to forecast a probability estimate for whether this week’s sentiment is going to be correct and ultimately what the markets will do this coming week.

Details: Last week’s majority sentiment from the survey was 57.5% Higher, and the Crowd Forecast Indicator prediction was 67% Chance Higher; the S&P500 closed 0.45% Lower for the week. This week’s majority sentiment from the survey is 65.1% Higher with a greater average confidence from those who responded Higher. Similar conditions have been observed 16 times in the previous 241 weeks, with the majority sentiment being correct 69% of the time, with an average S&P500 move of 0.32% Higher for the week. Based on that history, the TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Indicator is forecasting a 69% Chance that the S&P500 is going to move Higher this coming week.

You can download any past report here.

Join us for this week’s shows:

Crowd Forecast News Episode #182
This week’s show will feature a discussion with the trading experts listed below about the most recent TimingResearch Crowd Forecast Newsletter report, where they think the S&P500 is headed, what they are watching for in the markets currently, and their best trading idea.

Date and Time:
– Monday, May 14th, 2018
– 1PM ET (10AM PT)

– Simon Klein of
– Jim Kenney of

– Dave Landry of

Click here to find out more!

Analyze Your Trade Episode #34
When you register, you will be prompted to list the top 5 stocks that you are interested in trading. We will list the top 5 from all registrants and our experts will be prepared to offer their opinions on these trades.

Date and Time:
– Tuesday, May 15th, 2018
– 4:30PM ET (1:30PM PT)

– Jim Kenney of

– Michael Filighera of

Click here to find out more!

Partner Offer:

It looks like a little “fish hook” on the charts…
Whenever Jason Bond spots this weird pattern, he dips his line on the water. Most of the time, he reels in a profit.


Analyze Your Trade Episode #33

Listen to the following guests, along with David J. Kosmider, the creator of, discuss the stocks submitted by people who registered to view this episode.

– Larry Gaines of
– Steven Brooks of
– Steven Place of
– Dean Jenkins of

Download the show audio in MP3 (podcast) format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode33.mp3

Download the show video in MP4 format: AnalyzeYourTradeEpisode33.mp4

Episode Timeline (click the times to watch that segment on YouTube):
0:00 – Introductions.
5:10 – ADBE
9:50 – GLD
16:20 – BA
21:00 – CMG
27:50 – MAIN
32:15 – CXO
36:40 – Individual trade ideas.
43:10 – BMY
47:20 – NVDA
50:40 – SO
53:00 – MCD
56:40 – Closing statements.

Guest Special Offers:

From Larry Gaines: 7 Step Directional Trading Profits Formula Interactive Webinar

From Steven Place: Email [email protected] with “TRADE SETUPS” in subject for his slides.

From Steven Brooks: Schedule A One-On-One Session

From Dean Jenkins: “Beyond the Noise” FREE Weekly Newsletter

Other Partner Offer:

It looks like a little “fish hook” on the charts…
Whenever Jason Bond spots this weird pattern, he dips his line on the water. Most of the time, he reels in a profit.



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